søndag den 17. juni 2007

Start Mythfrontend automatisk efter logon

The most popular method out there in the other HOWTOS seems to be to use the .xsession file to start up mythfrontend when the mythtv user logs in. My problem with that procedure is that the normal window manager doesn't even appear to start up, so it's difficult to fire up a quick terminal and do anything while myth is running; I find that annoying.

I think that it's better to go to System->Preferences->Sessions, and select the "Startup Programs" tab . In there, put all of the following:


From now on, if you log in as the mythtv user, you will be immediately greeted by the friendly MythTV interface. And sorry about mixing in other things that belong in a different topic. The "xset" commands are there to make sure that the screen doesn't blank after an amount of time, which would be incredibly annoying while watching TV. The "irexec" command allows us to map remote keys to various functions as we need, outside of MythTV. I'll use this later for power button functionality.

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